Rare George III Mother of Pearl Hafted Twin Bladed Silver Bladed Folding Fruit Knife SK21


The knife has an engraved mother of pearl handle. There is a silver fruit knife blade as well as a quill blade. The piece is Hallmarked for Sheffield 1815. There is an engraved solid silver spine along the edge of the piece. Length open is 5.7 inches. Condition:  Good.  The quill blade snap in and […]


The knife has an engraved mother of pearl handle. There is a silver fruit knife blade as well as a quill blade.

The piece is Hallmarked for Sheffield 1815.

There is an engraved solid silver spine along the edge of the piece.

Length open is 5.7 inches.

Condition:  Good.  The quill blade snap in and out of the handle. The silver blade springs into the 45 and 90 degree positions but does not return to the handle without assistance.